Monday, April 2, 2012

According the dictionary, agrarianism is the movement for equitable distribution of land and for agrarian reform. With the environment in the condition it is in today, it is quickly continuing to go downhill and will continue in this route unless society decides to make a change. In the article "Ecojustice Education" by Paul Theobald and Hibajene Shandomo, they discuss the problems the environment is facing today and the importance of educating the society. The only way to fix the problems of the environment is through education. By educating the public about the relationship between environment and economics, the wealthy and the poor, and the community in a democracy, it will make people act. In the article, it included the works of authors or leaders from back in the day. Not only do they discuss the importance of minimizing the division of the poor and wealthy, the developments of society, etc, but they also shows the importance of being educated in these topics and subjects. Learning about problems, or as mentioned in the article for example mathematics, is immediately put into action to benefit the society. They believe that by having schools teach students about the crisis of the environment, it will start a reaction to benefit the environment and raise awareness to people in the communities. Also those students could start events and fresh markets that show the importance of being educated and taking action to help change the way we treat the environment.

Monday, March 26, 2012

In the article "Indigenous Resistance" by Michael Marker, he talks about the issue of Native Americans who were divided by the USA-Canada border. The Coast Salish people had to travel across the border often because of family and family events. Both the Americans and British refused that they be able to cross back in forth of the border and needed to remove them out of the way of development, in order to consolidate their empires. They also refused that they be able to learn about their natives past by going to schools that verbally abused them and forced them to forget about the history of their ancestors.  In Canada, the schools were very religious and forced religion on the Coast Salish. They were also physically abused. In the USA, the schools were very racist and the natives experienced psychological trauma. Since their native language was forbidden, they had to learn their language and dances in private. This was the only way the Coast Salish could maintain and keep their culture and traditions alive. When the natives integrated to public schools, the racism became so bad over fishing rights that eventually they went back to the boarding schools. The USA and Canada established boarding schools in order to get the Indians off their land. These experiences of being a student at boarding schools were known to be horrible and leaders often told the youth to avoid schooling. Eventually, Coast Salish parents saw boarding schools as a safe haven for their children who were experiencing racism and trauma. These boarding schools were intended for assimilation, but the Coast Salish made them into safe schools to avoid conditions they were facing at public schools. However, the schools starting allowing them to learn about their culture.
After reading this article, it is amazing how people think they can have so much control over others by the color on one's skin. By not allowing the Coast Salish to learn about their history and culture and instead forcing them to forget about it is crazy. I think it is important for both natives and non-natives to learn about the culture of others. Diversity is important and by allowing schools to talk about the culture of others is important because people need to learn about different values and beliefs people have. American and British schools forcing the Coast Salish to forget about their past and culture was killing the diverse cultures. People having different values and beliefs is what creates cultures and it is important for people to learn about others cultures to see life from a different perspective. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

After watching the Meatrix videos, it is scary thinking about what we are actually eating. Animals are no longer being grown and treated the same way they used to be. Today, they are given artificial hormones, too many antibiotic hormones, being treated cruelly, and causing pollution. Most of the animals are kept in closed in units that provide no sunlight and not much room to move around in. Also these animals are being produced by huge livestock facilities and no longer by small farms. Not only is this animal cruelty, but it is also dangerous to the health of humans. The meat we are eating is coming from animals that are feed from tubes and are given artificial hormones and antibiotics. By eating meat coming from these animals, it can cause diseases and cancers which can lead to death. Nothing about the processes of raising animals and producing food from animals that are treated this way is good. We need to change the way we are treating animals and the way we are raising and growing animals.
I cannot think of any factory farms near by, but I am sure there are that I am not aware of.

Monday, March 12, 2012

In the second half the twentieth century, the Green Revolution took place, becoming a beneficial technological success for the poor. In the twentieth century, over a billion people did not receive enough to eat. With the Green Revolution, it provided food to the poor by scientifically breeding and higher yielding rice, wheat, and corn. It not only provided benefits for the poor, but it also had benefits for the industrialized world. In todays society, over 800 million people do not have enough to eat. More children and women are malnourished and underweight, leading to many deaths per year. The food they eat lacks proper nutrients and vitamins that are essential to one's diet. Every year, the number of poor and hungry increases, and if we can't feed the poor right now, how can we feed double the amount in coming years. The issue, currently, is the safety of GM crops and foods. These foods are seen to be not very safe and potential risks to the environment. In order to help the poor and hungry, researchers need to find a way to be more productive with GM foods and find a way to be less harmful to the environment.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Hydraulic Fracturing
            Recent findings in Wyoming have the EPA believing that the contaminations of water are coming from hydraulic fracturing. Hydraulic fracturing is technological way that allows producers to recover natural gas and oil from deep shale formations. By recovering oil and gas from shale formations, it has the potential of poisoning drinking water, polluting air, and harming the health of Americans and animals.
Although the EPA is not positive that the contamination is definitely all coming from fracturing, they did believe it is most positively a factor. They have found many compounds in the water that are used in fracking. This issue is important because as America is trying to stop their reliance on foreign oil imports by fracturing oil in America, they are realizing it may have high risks involved. Fracturing is believed to poison water and air and damage the health of Americans, as there have been multiple reports of unclean water, after fracking events have taken place nearby. By contaminating the ground water, it is leaving families without clean drinking water. With water being scarce already in many places around the world, fracking has the potential to contaminate millions of gallons of water a day. Also it is can cause bad smog air problems, which is leaving people in the area with lung burning smog and cancer causing benzene.
Fracking has a good and bad side. It is helpful because it allows the United State to reduce the reliance of foreign oil, but it also has the potential to pollute water and air and damage the health of Americans living near the gas fields. Although I think hydraulic fracturing is important in recovering natural gas and oil, I think that we should stop doing it until technological advances make sure it is completely safe. We need to stop relying on foreign oil, but we should not risk lives and essential resources over it.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My thoughts on creating a powerpoint compared to writing a paper is I like creating a powerpoint a lot more. I think it is easier to state the key facts of what you are trying to talk about. In creating a powerpoint, you are given the chance to make the presentation yours. I can incorporate my writing with pictures, graphs, and links that relate to the topic. I can also correlate the the background of the slides with the topic. In writing a paper, one is limited to his writing only. One can express himself through writing, but in powerpoints, one can show a picture or graph and describe how it relates to the topic. Overall, powerpoints are a lot easier in expressing one's topic because it is not limiting. It is a nice way to incorporate more than just writing.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Since the the beginning, the earth has undergone many changes. Rocky Mount, for example, has changed tremendously since its beginning in the 19th century. Since its establishment, buildings, houses, and roads have taken over the once untouched land. With the one of the first cotton mills in North Carolina and the Wilmington-Weldon Railroad, Rocky Mount became a historical and developed city. This picture is a bird's eye view of the city of Rocky Mount in the early 1900s. Although this picture shows the construction of many buildings and roads, a lot of things have changed and have been built since then. Growing up in Rocky Mount, it is strange to see how much has changed since the 1900s. Rocky Mount has developed a lot since then and it is weird to see all the empty lots of nature. I love seeing old pictures of how things used to look like, but at the same time, it sad to see how much things have changed. Even today, I watch big areas of trees being knocked down to build roads or unnecessary buildings. Seeing how nature has been destroyed by development of the past years is upsetting that nature is being damaged and disappearing. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I believe the relationship between the environment and religion is small. God created the earth and I think it is important to respect and protect what God has created. When one thinks about religion, one does not usually think that the environment is a valuable part of religion. In the video, Mary Evelyn Tucker talks about how humans today no longer see the earth as sacred. She thinks that humans do not know who they are anymore and it reflects by the way they are treating the earth. In the article "A Green Future for Religion", Bron Taylor incorporates many environmentalists belief on the crisis of the environment. He mentions Maurice Strong, a Canadian who served as General Secretary for the 1992 “World Summit on Environment and Development”, and his view on the earth. Strong says that he worships the earth because it is sacred. He sees the forest and the trees as churches. Slowly, the nature of the world has gone down hill and is no longer able to provide as much because of pollutants, population growth, exstinction of animals, industrialism, and so on. People are starting to realize how the the deterioration of nature is effecting the poor and religion. We rely on the environment for so many things, but it is quickly being destroyed and it makes one ask the question, what are humans going to do if they continue to treat nature like this? Tucker and Grim believe that the way we are living now is causing a huge crisis. We need to change our relationship with the environment because it is threatening everything on the earth. Although I do not believe religion is mainly about nature, I do think God wants us to protect it. The earth provides one with so many resources, and with those resources disappearing, the beauty and the value of the earth is going away too. Although Tucker mentions people worshipping the earth, I do not agree with her. No one should worship the earth because God created the earth to provide for us, not to be worshipped.  Even though people know that the earth provides us with plentiful resources, God is the one who put those resources on the earth not the earth itself. I think people look too deeply into ideas like this and religion should be simple and not overanalyzed. I do agree that the way we are treating the earth is harmful, but the earth is changing over time. The population is the largest it has ever been, areas around the world are being industrialized more and more, and new inventions are being created that are not always the most efficient and green. People should not rely on the earth for everything they need in life, they need to rely on God. God should be the one people go to for help and desperation. He is the one who created everything in life and is able to do anything. Religion is not about focusing on protecting the earth, so I think people should more concerned with their relationship with God and worshipping God for all that He does.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Synthesis of Richard Kahn’s “Towards Ecopedagogy”
            Ecopedagogy is a movement towards promoting environmental education to the public. Being educated about the environment is important because it is essential to alerting awareness, teaching skills and behaviors towards the environment, developing sustainability, and promoting balances between human’s life and relationships with animals and the environment. Although environmental education is very important, Richard Kahn, in “Towards Ecopedagogy”, also explains how environmental education has been “unable to provide either solutions or stop-gaps for ecological disasters that have continued to mount due to the mushrooming of transnational corporate globalization over the last few decades,” (Kahn 7). He describes how globally, we need to be more than environmentally educated to become more environmentally sustainable.
As the world has become more focused on industrializing and less on conservation, the environment has been the most effected by it. With the population doubling and growing extremely larger every year, forests, animals, ecosystems, and fossil fuels are all disappearing. Kahn explains that we need to change the way we are living or everything is going to become extinct. He mentions that capitalism is responsible for the poverty and the suffering people are experiencing today. Worldwide, people are not realizing and are not educated on the issues of today’s environment. People are quickly destroying and damaging what is left of the environment and that is why Kahn, along with many others, is towards ecopedagogy. Recent studies have shown that Americans want environmental education to be taught, but the same studies show that Americans have a huge misunderstanding of a lot of the basic environmental ideas and facts, which show that even with environmental education, there is still a lot work left to do. Modern environmental movements have tried to come up with ideas to help preserve, protect, conserve, and help the environment, but they have not been successful. William Stapp, founder of environmental education, believed that “the goals of environmental education were: knowledge of natural environment, interdisciplinary exploration, and inquiry-based student centered framework,” (Kahn 7). Kahn states that the development of cultural ecoliteracy is essential for our goal of sustainability. Being ecoliterate gives one an understanding of the roles imperialism, colonialism, and industrial capitalism has had on the environment and an understanding of how to act towards the environment.
Many founding figures of the ecoliteracy movement believe in multiple parts of the environmental education, including education for sustainability, humane education, and ecojustice education.  Founding figures see the essentialness of environmental education, but they also see the problems of it too and wonder why it is not fixing the crisis. In Apple Valley, Minnesota, students, who attend the School of Environmental Studies, go to zoos to incorporate it into their studies and environmental themes into their work. Students who attend Zoo schools have shown to “improve reading and math scores, performed better in science and social studies, and develop ability to transfer knowledge from familiar to unfamiliar contexts,” (Kahn 7). Although students are being educated with environmental issues and ideas, it lacks students becoming involved in environmental programs and reaching out to environmental issues and rights.
In “Towards Ecopedagogy”, Kahn discusses the importance of ecopedagogy, the movement of development of environmental education and sustainability. Federal and state governments have said that environmental education needs to be taught in public schools, and most Americans have agreed that this is important. Even though being educated about environmental issues and ideas is important, it is shown in studies that most adult Americans do not know the basic facts and information about the environment. Followers of the ecopedagogy movement see how essential it is to inform the public about the environment, but they see how, even with education, we are still struggling to conserve and be sustainable. The amount of animals and species being killed and ecosystems being destroyed annually is increasing large and it keeps getting worse. With environmental education, people are able to understand how to treat the environment and be aware of the problems we are facing. It is important to be educated on environmental issues, but it also important to act on ideas that are working to help the environment and are promoting well-being of animals and ecosystems. 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

In the article "Pollution Alert System Launched in Scotland", it discusses how Scotland is now sending text messages or emails to people who subscribe to air quality alerts. These alerts tell people the air quality that day. Sending alerts to people about the air quality is important because it lets people know if they should not be spending a lot time outside that day. The air quality in Scotland is improving, but some days it can be extremely dangerous. It is damaging to people's health and can lead to breathing problems or heart attacks. As Postel mentioned in her article, "Water Adapting to a New Normal", technology is and will be important for solving environmental problems. As technology is able to send alerts to farmers about irrigation levels or operators about leaking pipes, technology is now able to tell people who live in Scotland when it is safe to be outside. I believe that technology has a lot of opportunities to help benefit the environment by alerting people about problems.

Friday, January 27, 2012

In the Patagonia Trailer, a group of guys spend two months traveling around South America. Hitchhiking and camping out in the wilderness, these guys show how nature is so enjoyable. From the video, they recorded the places where they traveled too. This video, in response to the Patagonia Feature Story, shows how wonderful nature is. One can see from this video how the environment, in this area, has not been destroyed by construction and human population. Many places are being destroyed by the growth in population and industrialization, but this video shows an area that has yet been affected by the changes in the world. It is important to keep areas like this and preserve the environment.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

         In response to the Patagonia feature story "End of a River", Waterman talks about his hike and trip to the El Rio Colorado. During his journey with his good friend, they notice on the way the changes in nature and the way we are damaging nature. While they are paddling in the Rio Hardy, they are presented to a hidden river that has not been touched. This river is pure and has not been affected by humans or the damages other environments are being affected by. They are trying to cherish this paradise while they can, because they know that eventually it will no longer be a paradise. Many bodies of water are being run to the ground because so many people rely on the water it is providing. Waterman is trying to inform readers and the public that paradises are no longer paradises because of the damages people are doing on the environment. He is showing that now, paradises are rare to find because humans are damaging the earth. In the Youtube video "Water Changes Everything", it explains how many places around the world, especially Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia, are dealing with a shortage of water. People and animals are having to travel far to find any water because the earth is so dry and water is no longer available. Water is essential to humans and animals and most of the water families and animals are receiving, in this poor areas, is dirty and contaminated leading to health problems and death. Not only is water shortage in these areas, but it is also becoming a problem in many other places around the world that are not poor areas. In "Water Crisis", it names the reasons for water shortages are industrialization, population growth, urbanization, and global warming. World delegates are coming together to try to find solutions for the water crisis by coming up with ideas like, reusing sewage water and cleaning it, so it can be used for irrigation systems. There is a way to fix these problems and by thinking of solutions and giving to charities that are trying to help poor areas of desperate need of clean water is important and the only way to end these problems.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Since I was little, I have always wanted to become a dentist. I am not sure at what exact point I decided this, but there have been multiple times in my life where I catch myself being so interested in dentistry. I think one thing that has really made me interested in dentistry is the fact that I have spent so much time in dentist offices. Growing up, I always thought that my teeth were fine and I knew that I would eventually need braces, but I never thought I would have any more problems with my teeth. When it was time to finally get braces, my dentist took an x-ray of my teeth and told me that I was missing a tooth. I had one baby tooth left in my mouth and it would always start getting loose and then reattach itself because there was not a permanent tooth above to push it out. From this point, I have had braces twice, a bone graft, and dental implant. When people ask me what I want to do when I am older, they are often surprised that I want to become a dentist. Having so much work done on teeth, they think that it would drive me away from every wanting to become a dentist. Having a lot of different work done on my teeth has shown me and given me a lot of experience of what dentists actually do.
Last year in high school, we were given a week off of school to work as an intern wherever we wanted. I chose to be an intern at a dentist office and although I observed the whole time, it was so interesting watching the dentist fill a cavity, bond a tooth, take impressions, etc. I was only able to intern two days because I received permission to have my wisdom teeth removed during this week. Not only did I get my wisdom teeth removed, but I also had a bone graft. I rested the day of the surgery, but the next day, I felt fine, so I went and shadowed my oral surgeon, although my face was so swollen and my face was covered with bruises.
Right now, I am majoring in Fashion and Brand Management. I applied to Textiles undecided because I have always loved fashion and clothes and knew that one did not have to major in a science to go to dental school. During the first couple of weeks of the first semester, I was taking T 101 and TT 105. T 101 was focused on what Textiles is all about and what jobs one can gain from a Textile major and then the other class focused on Textile Technology and Medical Textiles. I found myself really enjoying learning about medical textiles, but as the semester went on, I no longer found interest in either side. I am hoping to change my major to psychology and get the prerequisites for dental school, so I can pursue my dream of becoming a dentist.  
Seeing a lot of different sides of dentistry has been so interesting to me and has made it so much harder to decide on what I want to do. Whenever I am given the chance to write about any topic of my choice, I always choose dentistry because I know I will not get tired of researching or talking about it. When I am bored, I often find myself looking up facts and information about teeth and rare diseases. Being able to have so many chances to go to the dentist office for all the problems with my teeth has really shown me how interested I am in dentistry and how much I have been learning. Although I am not thrilled about what I have to go through, I am almost thankful in a way that I have gone through all of this because it has given me the chance to experience and learn about dentistry.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

            To find more information about air pollution, I used Google Alerts to show me articles and blogs about how different people, communities, and the government are trying to help decrease air pollution and protect our sustainability. In the article “What Can Be Done to Slow Climate Change”, researchers from NASA have concluded that they need to control the exposures of harmful fuels and gases that are damaging the earth and hurting humans and animals. They are trying to apply specific everyday emissions reductions to increase climate benefits. In Los Angeles and Long Beach, the Clean Truck Program is banning trucks that do not meet certain standards to enter the ports. The ports are also buying new trucks that are releasing clean energy and getting rid of old, dirty trucks that were emitting black diesel gases into the air. In just the first year of this program, air pollution has reduced by 70 percent and they are expecting that it will reduce by 80 percent this year. Before these areas were full of diesel gases that were causing serious health problems to the people who worked in these areas and people who lived around these areas. With this new regulation, it providing the area with much cleaner air and helping the surrounding communities become healthier. Other articles included, that we are trying to come up with ways to reduce air pollution. Last year many bills were created to try to help protect our health, but they were instead going to increase air pollution. Thankfully, none of these bills were passed. I think we are trying to help stop or reduce air pollution by working to promote and support a cleaner environment with the Clean Air Act passed in 2011. The EPA is trying to come up with ideas to help protect sustainability with technological advances. I think that promoting healthier environment is important in trying to reduce pollution, but I also think more people need to be more informed about the serious issues our earth is facing. Before reading and researching this topic, I did not know how serious air pollution was, but now I feel more informed thanks to Google alerts for showing me what air pollution is doing to humans and wildlife and what our government is trying to do about it.

Monday, January 16, 2012

An environmental issue that contributes to the need for “island civilization” is air pollution. I believe air pollution is big problem today because it is leading to health problems. Air pollution can come from a lot of things, cigarette smoke and exposure to chemicals, gases, coal, forest fires, volcanic eruptions, natural radioactivity, and pollen. Air pollutants can be man-made or natural, either way they are harming the earth. A lot of studies have shown that air pollution is a major factor in causing lung cancer, decrease in lung functioning, and morality. Being exposed to these chemicals and gases are very dangerous and harmful and it is something that would be changed if we were to adopt the idea of “island civilization”.  In the article “An Association Between Air Pollution and Morality in Six U.S. Cities”, researchers studied six random cities and sampled people in the area and looked at the deaths between the years of 1979 to 1989 in these towns. The researchers took participants and recent deaths and recorded the age, sex, smoking history, medical history, and occupational exposure of everyone. The researchers also monitored the air quality in the cities and the surrounding cities. From this experiment, they concluded that air pollution does contribute to mortality and health problems. Many people are dealing with lung problems that are exposed to these harmful and poisonous chemicals and gases. Obviously, these chemicals and gases are not good for anybody’s health, so in order to eliminate exposure to these dangerous chemicals, we need to start carpooling, drive green vehicles, use energy conserving gas, recycle. Although we cannot change natural air pollutants, we can change how much exposure of man-made pollutants are released everyday. By starting to change the way we live, we dramatically change the air quality for the better.