Wednesday, January 25, 2012

         In response to the Patagonia feature story "End of a River", Waterman talks about his hike and trip to the El Rio Colorado. During his journey with his good friend, they notice on the way the changes in nature and the way we are damaging nature. While they are paddling in the Rio Hardy, they are presented to a hidden river that has not been touched. This river is pure and has not been affected by humans or the damages other environments are being affected by. They are trying to cherish this paradise while they can, because they know that eventually it will no longer be a paradise. Many bodies of water are being run to the ground because so many people rely on the water it is providing. Waterman is trying to inform readers and the public that paradises are no longer paradises because of the damages people are doing on the environment. He is showing that now, paradises are rare to find because humans are damaging the earth. In the Youtube video "Water Changes Everything", it explains how many places around the world, especially Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia, are dealing with a shortage of water. People and animals are having to travel far to find any water because the earth is so dry and water is no longer available. Water is essential to humans and animals and most of the water families and animals are receiving, in this poor areas, is dirty and contaminated leading to health problems and death. Not only is water shortage in these areas, but it is also becoming a problem in many other places around the world that are not poor areas. In "Water Crisis", it names the reasons for water shortages are industrialization, population growth, urbanization, and global warming. World delegates are coming together to try to find solutions for the water crisis by coming up with ideas like, reusing sewage water and cleaning it, so it can be used for irrigation systems. There is a way to fix these problems and by thinking of solutions and giving to charities that are trying to help poor areas of desperate need of clean water is important and the only way to end these problems.

1 comment:

  1. It is upsetting to me to hear about people and animals having to travel so far to find water, yet we take advantange of being provided with water at such a convenience. When I hear stories about people in other countries only having dirty and contaminated water that leads to health problems and death, it makes me stop and think about how blessed we are. Poor areas are not the only areas that are having problems. Industrialization, population growth, urbanization, and global warming are making many areas around the world not have a healthy and necessary amount of water. I do believe that the most important thing we can do is come up with solutions and give to chartities that are trying to help individuals that are in need of clean water.
