Thursday, March 15, 2012

After watching the Meatrix videos, it is scary thinking about what we are actually eating. Animals are no longer being grown and treated the same way they used to be. Today, they are given artificial hormones, too many antibiotic hormones, being treated cruelly, and causing pollution. Most of the animals are kept in closed in units that provide no sunlight and not much room to move around in. Also these animals are being produced by huge livestock facilities and no longer by small farms. Not only is this animal cruelty, but it is also dangerous to the health of humans. The meat we are eating is coming from animals that are feed from tubes and are given artificial hormones and antibiotics. By eating meat coming from these animals, it can cause diseases and cancers which can lead to death. Nothing about the processes of raising animals and producing food from animals that are treated this way is good. We need to change the way we are treating animals and the way we are raising and growing animals.
I cannot think of any factory farms near by, but I am sure there are that I am not aware of.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree Anne. Its quite frighten, first because of how the animals are treated. It is such cruelty. Secondly, because of the large amount of feces around when the animals eventually die (because of the factory farming and being confined in such small spaces.) It increases our risk of contracting many bacterial infections, which we should be at a very low risk, but since the large corporations are only thinking of profiting themselves, they aren't caring about the other 99% of the population who keeps them "rolling-in-dough."
