Friday, April 20, 2012

Comments on Presentation


  1. From what i can remember from friday's presentations, yours was pretty good. I remember there being a lot of information, as well as being very organized. I remember it being on Rocky Mount, but I honestly can't remember too much beyond that. I think I remember you saying something about good air quality and a few organizations that help keep Rocky Mount clean, but overall you did a good job

  2. I thought your presentation was good. You seemed prepared.

  3. Great presentation and preparation! The powerpoint had a great layout, but with a bit too much information. Toward the last few minutes you lost me. Great job though!

  4. Sounds like you did a great job on your presentation and was obviously very well prepared. I would have been interested to see how this presentation compared to the other Rocky Mount presentation. Great job!

  5. I agree with Lauren, sounds like you did a good job and were well prepared. Definitely would've liked to have heard the other point of view on rocky mount.

  6. I really liked the pictures you included in your presentation. They went along nice with you information. Some of your slides were kind of crowded, but I don't think it was enough to hurt the overall presentation. Great job overall!

  7. You did really good on your presentation. You had nice pictures and a lot of information! It was difficult to read some of your slides because of some backgrounds you chose, but that was okay since you were good at explaining what was on the slide. My only suggestion is that you speak louder and try to avoid slides where there are a lot of words. You seemed very prepared and confident while presenting. Good job!!

  8. Anne, your presentation was really great! Being that we both are from Rocky Mount and we both analyzed Rocky Mount, I was particularly interested in yours. You certainly didn't disappoint! Great job!

  9. I like how your map showed Rocky Mount in relation to Raleigh. It made it familiar to your audience. I like your bright pictures; they keep the audience intrigued. Your pictures of the floods were really effective because you could see how many people the storm affected. On the Current Pollutants slide, you might want to consider making the font a different color so the audience can see the wording clearly. Good job!

  10. I really enjoyed your presentation. I thought it was informative and the presentation itself looked good. However, there was a lot of text on the slides. Other than that, i thought the presentation was pretty good.
